Shot of the Month Gallery

Click on an image to read the Shot of the Month blog post:

Lion Tree?

Flying Higher

Bear Spray

Agama Again

Poor Polly

The Serengeti

Tending Toward Success

January 2024

Fire and Ice

December 2023

Freeze Frame

November 2023

One in the Corner

October 2023

White-fronted Bee-eater

September 2023

The Waiting Game

Red Fox, Washington (5502)


Savannah Sparrow, Washington (1138)

Savannah a la Fuchsia

California Quail, Washington (6110)

California Quail

Southern Ground Hornbill

Rialto Beach

Elusive Magic

Pirate Games

Big Realization

Mountain Goat

Keystone Krisis

Brown Bear

Brown Bear?

Elemental Struggle

Stolen Moments

Landscape to Lovers

Circle of Life

Black-shouldered Kite

Back for the Drama

Painted Hills

Feeling a Little Blue

Pull Back

Bright Bird

Wing it

Up Front for the Win


Venice is for Lovers!

Mammoth Hot Springs

Monet Marmot

Fact or Fiction

Striking Pose

Atlantic Puffin, Maine (9044)

Gob Mob

Sophie’s Choice

Ram Bam

River Wolf

Chasing the Light


High Risk – High Reward!

180° !

Fall Falls

American Pygmy Kingfisher

Green Kingfisher, Pantanal (1059)

Green Kingfisher

Kit Kaos

Red Fox?

Foxy Mama

Toco Toucan

Jungle Cat

Sailing into History

Pied Kingfisher

Love in the Air?


Black Bear

The Beauty of Isolation

Rufous-ly Ruthless

Jaguar, Pantanal-Brazil (0578

Mighty Mick

Common Barn Owl, Washington (6997)

Denizen of the Night

Wild Dog, Kruger NP, South Africa (9515)

Family Dog

Palouse, Washington (5199)

Picture Palouse-a

American White Pelican, Ding Darling (5446)


Stop it!!!

Who Should Die?

Dangerous Reflections

They Grow Up So Fast…

Flat Out Amazing

Thug Life

King of the Jungle


A Forest Dream


Falling for Nature

A Golden Life

Whoa, That’s Deep…

Lupine Meadow (1366)

At the Height of Color

Great Horned Owl (0854)

Great Horned Owl

Goose, Goose,Yawn!

Hoary Marmot (0823)

A Hoary Tale

Bird Art

Bam Bam

It Takes a Village…

Gone Fish’n


Murderous Moths…

American Bison, Yellowstone NP (5773)

Just Chill’n

Pika, Yellowstone NP (6242)

Disappearing Pika

Spider Web, Vermont (0374)

Shades of Gray

Foliage Abstract, Vermont (5109)

Autumnly Abstract

Garter Snake, Maine (4269)

A Snake!

Atlantic Loon, Vermont (7317)

Waiting for a Ride

Little Bee-eater (0018)

A Dandy Little Flyer

Lighthouse, Bass Harbor, Maine (001)

Too Many Stops?

Bobcat, Hoh Rainforest, Olympic NP (4797)

Should I Stay, or…

Chickeree, Vermont (4732)

Chickeree Trust Fund

February 2016

Devil Bird

January 2016


December 2015

Burrowing Awwwwl…

November 2015

Crazy Like a Kumiho

Blushed with Praise!

bumble bee

To Bee or Not to Be


The Eyes Have It


Ultralight Aviation…


Painted Turtle


How Bout ‘Dem O’s



Seeing Beyond Color

Seeing Beyond Color

Ground Hog (5164)

Whistle Pig Romance

A Spoonful of Pink

A Spoonful of Pink

Capturing Speed

Capturing Speed

Blue Heron-Thumbnail-4048

Center of Attention


Bugle Boys


Looner Flight-No Small..


The Warbler Wave


Fleeting Magic

Red-winged Blackbird_DSC1111- shot of month

Redy to Fight


Spin Cycle

Seal of Confusion

March 2014

Berry Serious

February 2014

The Otter Challenge

January 2014

Give me a home…

December 2013


November 2013

A Lovely Lady

Redily Available

Revealing Times

Crowned Crane

Abstractly Nature

The Bold and (not so)…

Rowdy Plague

Cattail Tales

Great, Gray Day…

Cabin Fever

Mainely Moose

Purple Finch

Macro Magic

Hyrax Huddle

Colorful Creation

Loon(ey) Tunes

Clown of the Sea

The Little Pool That…


Beauty and the Beast

The Rest of the Iceberg

Intense (Green Heron)

Pugnacious Pig

Knock Knock, Who’s…?

Zen Jackal


Identity Crisis

Historical Footnote?

Winner by a Nose

Dressed to Kill

By any other Name


Nothing Lesser about …

Bat-eared Fox


Winter Blues

Kingfisher 101

Flamingo Sunset?

Life’s a Breach

Little Devil


A Tall Tale

Formidable Feline

Kurly Ku(du)

Gracious Goliath

Built for Speed

Time to Fly

In Search of the King

Colorful Conundrum

Members Only

Flights of Fancy

Lost Relative?

Consider Yourself…

Greetings Earthlings

Feeling a bit Peckish

Friend or Foe?

Agama Lizard

Attitude a la Agama

Kori Courtship

Are you looking at…

Very Cool Reindeer

Hey, Carmine!

Zebra Hug

Successful Stalking

Three Musketeers

One (or three) for the…

One of the Guys

Frog, anyone?


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