Rialto Beach

Shot of the Month – April 2023

Rialto Beach, Washington State (2263)

The Pacific Northwest (PNW) is chock full of “must-see” natural wonders and unique landscapes.  A few that I have seen so far:

Mount Rainer and the nearby Reflection Lake

Hoh Rainforest

Columbia River Gorge

Lime Kiln Lighthouse

Peter Iredale Shipwreck (Sunset)    (Visit at Sunrise)

Painted Hills

The Palouse

And this month we visit Washington State’s iconic Rialto Beach (RB).  RB is a public beach found in the Olympic National Park, about 14 miles from the town of Forks (For Twilight fans, yes, it is THAT Forks).  This map gives a good sense of the location:

(Map Source)

Most visitors walk north from the parking area for about 1 1/2 miles to reach the dramatic looking sea stacks that you see in my image above.  The hike along the beach is lovely as you pass massive fallen trees and endless driftwood strewn about the coastline.  If the tide is low you can also explore the tiny worlds found in the tide pools:

Tidal Pool, Washington State (1673)

Just past the sea stacks erosion has created the “Hole-in-the-Wall” in a large rock that allows you to look back at the sea stacks:

Hole in the Wall, Washington State (0965)
Given that RB is on the West Coast the most dramatic shots are usually taken at sunset. However sunrise can offer nice scenes when the conditions are right:

Rialto Beach Sunrise, Washington State (0333)
At midday the light is usualy too harsh to get a nice shot but converting to B&W can help:

Rialto Beach, Washington State (1988)
A sunset scene with a splash of color

Rialto Beach Sunset, Washington State (2241)
Looking to get your “beach on” while visiting the PNW?  Put Rialto beach at the top of your list for some great hikes, wildlife (I have seen otters near the sea stacks), outdoor camping (permits available), tide-pooling, and of course, the potential for great photography.

Pro tip:  Ideal conditions will be at low tide, near sunset.  Hole-in-the-Wall and tidal pools are only accessible near low tide conditions.  High tide can push you off the beach and close to the massive drift wood which can be tricky to navigate/climb over.  There is a hiking trail in the adjecent forest so you can still reach the sea stacks at high tide but other options will be limited.


Some good pointers on visiting Rialto Beach:

Hiking Rialto Beach to Hole in the Wall in Olympic National Park

The Ultimate Guide to Rialto Beach and The Hole In The Wall Washington

10 Best Things To Do at Rialto Beach


Until next month…m


Nikon D4S, Nikon 17-35 mm (@ 17mm), f/13, 1 sec, ISO 100,

Elusive Magic

Shot of the Month – March 2023

Leopard, Masai Mara (8777)

I love wild cats and I have had the good fortune of seeing lion, tiger, cheetah, serval, caracal, and the African wildcat in the wild.  Of that group I am particulary partial to the leopard.  Pound for pound they are perhaps the strongest of the group.  Leopards are incredibly elusive and even a single sighting on a safari is a major victory.  On our trip to Kenya in 2021 we had the amazing good fortune to have six leopard sightings!!  I have only seen leopards in Africa but there are actualy 9 subspecies of leopard spread out across the world:

It is generally accepted that the African leopard is the most numerous species though there is no reliable estimate of their total population on the continent.  India is home to roughly 12,000 leopards.  Many of the other species of leopards are on the verge of extinction, however.

Individuals remaining:

Amur Leopard: 100

Javan Leopard: 250

Arabian Leopard:  200

Sri Lankan Leopard:  800

Persian Leopard:  800

Indochinese Leopard:  1000 to 2500

Leopards are stealth hunters and are renowned for their ability to carry prey up into trees to feed in peace.  In the image above we found a leopard in the Masai Mara National Reserve with the remains of a Thompson’s Gazelle.

The uninitiated sometimes confuse the leopard with a cheetah.  As you can see here however, the animals are quite different in size and build:

Cheetah, Masai Mara (7147)


Leopard, Masai Mara (0539)









The leopard has shorter legs and a more muscular build.  The cheetah (also photgraphed on the same trip) is built like a greyhound dog – long legs and a lean body.  The spots on the cheetah are solid while the leopard has not spots, but rosettes.  The cheetah is built to chase small prey across the open plain while the cheetah stalks in the bushes or may pounce from above while hiding in a tree.

A few more images from our trip:

A mother leopard playing with her cub just after sunrise

Leopard with cub, Masai Mara (5069)

Another leopard with a Thomspon gazelle:

Leopard, Masai Mara (7576)

Kitty in a tree:

Leopard, Masai Mara (1769)

Leopard, Masai Mara (8973)

We found this female hunting along a riverbed just after sunrise
Leopard, Masai Mara (0539)-B&W

The color version:

Leopard, Masai Mara (0539)


The stunning leopard – its elusive magic never fails to dazzle.


Until next month….m



Nikon D5, Nikon 600mm, f/4 1/500 sec, ISO 250, EV +1.33

Pirate Games

Shot of the Month – February 2023

Bald Eagle, Washington (9406)

If you spend much time with Bald Eagles you quickly learn that they are quite the thieving sort.  In spite of their majestic, regal looks, Bald Eagles are often gangsters in fine dress.

Check out my post, Thug Life, for more info on their wicked ways.

Even when food seems plentiful Bald Eagles will attack each other relentlessly to steal food which seems counterintuitive.  Why risk injury attacking another very well-armed eagle when there is so much food available?

Armed and dangerous:

Bald Eagle, Washington (5669)

Each summer Bald Eagles congregate along the Washington coast where midshipman fish are spawning.  The concentration of fish can attract dozens of eagles which then can attract dozens of photographers, like me.  And each summer us photographers ask the same question over and over as we watch another eagle fight or after we see one theft attempt after another.

“Why do they do this when there are soooo many fish right in front of us”?

Seems that scientists have noticed the perplexing behavior also and have been trying to solve this mystery.  I found a paper, “Fighting Behavior in Bald Eagles: A Test of Game Theory,” by Andrew J Hansen that was published in 1986 where the scientists studied Bald Eagles at a site in Alaska.

Some key findings (at least from this one study):

  1. Catching Fish = Stealing Fish

Seems that eagles that stole fish from others ate as well as eagles that caught their own fish:


Here we have an eagle catching his own fish:

Bald Eagle, Washington (0887)

2.  Risk for Injury is Low

The scientists witnessed numerous attacks between bald eagles as one tried to steal from another.  Surprisingly, during the study period, they witnessed zero injuries between the eagles.  Despite the dramatic action the encounters rarely escalated to serious fights that can cause injury.

Eagles apparently use an array of postures, gestures and vocalizations to demonstrate both their willingness and ability to fight.  Larger eagles tended to steal more often as it was clear that they were the stronger combatant.  The smaller eagle would quickly acquiesce to the larger opponent and larger birds won 85% of the time.

3.  Position matters:

Position was also important – a bird on the ground was always at a disadvantage to a bird coming from above in the air.

Whether a bird is positioned above or below an opponent would seem to affect it chances of winning because talons serve as the primary weapons.  An aerial attacker has its feet in a position to threaten a feeder on the ground.

In the image below, the eagle on the left was sitting on the ground – at a clear disadvantage.  In this encounter he leapt up to confront the attacker but as their talons interlocked the bird on the right had much more momentum and was able to flip the ground-based eagle over.

Bald Eagle, Washington (8844)

4.  Communication is Important

By carefully understanding the intentions of each other, eagle interactions rarely escalate into serious battles that can lead to injury or death.  Eagles will indicate their hunger level through ritualized displays.  For example, in the image below we see an eagle that has thrown her head back and is vocalizing loudly — this is one of several displays that eagles can use to clearly proclaim “I am very hungry, don’t get in my way.”

Bald Eagle, Washington (5360)

The hungrier the bird, the more she will display.  Other birds will see this and take this into account before deciding to attack.  Or, if this bird would then go on the attack, other birds would know that she was very hungry and therefore, more motivated to fight so they might give up their meal more readily.

Fascinatingly, by throwing the head back, the eagle allows other birds to see how full his/her crop is.  Another ingenious non-verbal message: “Hey, my crop is empty and I want that fish more than you do.” (A bird’s crop is an expandable “muscular pouch near the gullet or throat.” It is used to store excess food for later digestion.)

The value of a prey item to each player varies with hunger level.  A bird with a crop that is nearly full can derive less benefit from a salmon than can one with an empty crop.  Relative hunger level may be discernable from crop size or the length of time a bird has been eating.

Eagles apparently assessed the relative attributes of conspecifics and often chose to displace the individuals most likely to yield (small or replete birds). Pirates sometimes appeared to evaluate feeders quickly while flying overhead. Other times the birds landed and seemed to study feeders intently before attacking. The latter method may allow more accurate assessment but it is done with loss of a possible positional advantage enjoyed by aerial attackers.

At any given moment the eagles are constantly assessing size (Am I bigger?), position (birds in the air have tactical advantage over birds on the ground); and hunger level (who wants this more, me or her?) before attacking or if deciding if they should give up their fish.

This fascinating diagram from the study attempts to map out the parameters at play:

Hungry Eagle

I love the scientific insights but I love photography even more.  In my first image above we see an aerial attack and some nifty flying as the eagle with the fish implements a barrel roll to confront his attacker.

Here we see the same attack, just a fraction of second sooner:

Bald Eagle, Washington (9405)

Everybody wants in on this fish:

Bald Eagle, Washington (2372)

An adult Bald Eagle harassing a juvenile Bald Eagle (The adult successfully stole the fish!!).

Bald Eagle, Washington (2666)


It seems that Bald Eagles are not the reckless pirates I thought they were.  Of course, I should have known better – animals are hyperaware of their surroundings and do not take unnecessary risks.  Mother Nature is far too wise for that.  Each Bald Eagle is constantly evaluating its best solution for finding a meal.  Each bird uses a complex array of communication and observation to switch between the tactics of hunting or pirating, in a moment’s notice, depending on which approach is most favorable for the opportunity at hand.

Game on!


Until next month……m



Nikon D5, Nikon 600mm, 1.4x TC (effective 850mm), f/5.6, 1/1500 sec, ISO 400, EV +1.0


10 for 22

Ten photos that capture my 2022?  Hmmn, the pickings are a bit thin this year.  My photo-taking opportunities were quite limited in 2022 – due to work and well you know, “life.”  I only made it outdoors with my camera on a few, tightly-grouped set of outings.  Let’s run through them in chronological order.

1.  My first set of photo opportunities happened in May as Bald Eagles congregated along the Washington state coastline to feast on spawning fish.  Over a six-week period I made it out about 10 times to try and capture the action.  Here is one my favorites:Bald Eagle, Washington State (9406)

The eagle on the bottom, holding the fish, did a barrel roll to confront the eagle chasing him.

2.  In this next image we have yet another barrel roll.  This image really drives home how fearless (read as “mental”) these birds are.

Eagle on the Left:  “Yeah, I am just going to fly upside down because I need to “cut a b*tch.”

Talons out — “You want some of this??!!”

And the second eagle is like, “Well, actually, I think I do…”  And note that they are not even fighting over a fish, but just because It-Is-What-They-DOOO.

Bald Eagle, Washington State (5669)

3.  In this crowded world it is very difficult to find truly wild places.  With a bit of effort we found such a rare locale in late August 2022.  But it took some effort.  First a seaplane dropped us off along the coastline of Katmai National Park.  Then a boat met the plane to take us into this secluded cove.  We spent 4 mind-bending days camping at this glorious site photographing Brown Bears.  We camped within meters of these amazing creatures.

Brown Bear, Katmai NP-Alaska (6906)

4.  Each day, with waders on, we walked along the river’s edge, often within yards of the Brown Bears as they fished for salmon.  It is pretty intense having a 400-600 lb bear running right at you as we see in this shot.  Luckily, the bears are solely focused on the thousands of salmon in the river.

Brown Bear, Katmai NP-Alaska (2127)

5.  I love how this picture captures the epic battle between predator and prey.  The Brown Bear is in full pursuit mode.  And the salmon is like – “Time to Flyyyyyyy.”

Brown Bear, Katmai NP-Alaska (9293)

6. When the light is just right….

Brown Bear, Katmai NP-Alaska (2551)

7.  In September 2022 we spent 10 days hiking in Glacier National Park.  Forest fires in the region made photography difficult but here are two of my favorite shots that really come as a boxed set.  In this first image, a beautiful sunrise at Switfcurrent Lake.

Sunrise, Swiftcurrent Lake - Glacier NP (8334)

8.  And here we have a sunset image from the exact same location but the lighting gives the shot a completely different tone and feel.

Sunrise, Swiftcurrent Lake - Glacier NP (8285)

9.  While in Glacier NP I got my first respectable Mountain Goat shot.

Mountain Goat, Glacier NP (8516)

10.  Back home in late November I visited a few nearby fields to try my luck with Short-eared Owls.

Short-eared Owl, Washington State (6269)


11.  Bonus:  This photo makes me smile.  Here we have a female Brown Bear standing on her hind legs to get a better view of the salmon. This is the same female that is in image #1 (she is in front).  In that image her cubs are off to the left, on the bank.

Brown Bear, Katmai NP (8779)

Got a favorite?  Let me know…

Hope you have a great 2023!


Big Realization

Shot of the Month – January 2023

Moose, Grand Teton NP (7919)

Wow, check out this beast.  He is an absolute UNIT.

This is one of the few images I have that starts to give a sense of how massive a Moose can be and demonstrate how majestic they can look.

The Moose is the monster of the deer family – it is the largest member of the deer family and is the tallest mammal in North America.  A male moose can easily top 6 feet at the shoulders, and add in those antlers and this goliath towers more than 10 feet in height.  Those antlers (males only) are often more than 6 feet wide and can weigh over 50 pounds.  Moose are typically found in the northern regions of the United States (from Maine to Washington) and throughout Canada.  Much of their height is due to their long legs that are essential to navigate the deep snow of winter found in their northern habitats.  But these guys have length as well as height.  Moose can easily be more than 7 feet in length and males can weigh from 1200 to 1600 pounds.  It is difficult to appreciate how massive these creatures until you have one walk by you.

Photographically it is a real challenge to do these guys justice as they often just look like big brown blobs.  In the winter they usually keep their head down as they graze – no point wasting energy raising those heavy antlers higher than necessary.  In the winter it is all about conserving energy so moose will spend many hours sitting down, resting.  Perhaps a nap here or there.  Then, all of a sudden, they pop up and start to graze for an hour or so.  During that brief period of activity a moose may only lift his head once or twice for a few, fleeting seconds.  If you glance somewhere else, or turn to chat with a colleague and he looks up?  Poof, you missed your shot.  Come back in a few hours and try again!  I have spent far more minutes than I care to add up staring through a viewfinder, with tears running down from my fatigued eye, as I waited for that “heads up” moment.

In this image it all came together.  I managed to find a small ravine that put me lower than the moose.   I burrowed down on my knees into the snow to get as low as I could go.   This low angle allowed the male to tower over me, and seemingly, even tower over the mountains in the background.  This angle also highlights those stunning antlers.  Frequent visitors to Grand Teton National Park know this moose well and he is recognized as one of the biggest moose in the park in recent years.

In this shot he stopped grazing and stood fully up to take in his surroundings.  Eureka, let the photo frenzy begin!

With the sun behind the clouds the lighting was soft and even.  The light was strong enough to see the details of his dark brown fur while being weak enough to not overexpose those light-colored antlers.  The snow on the ground acted as a reflector and bounced the light up into the moose’s face allowing us to see his eyes.  Normally those big brown eyes are TOUGH to see and getting a bit of catchlight is even rarer.

The turn of the head gives a nice profile of his face and breaks up the outline of his body.  The head turn allows us to see just how massive his antlers are.  That bit of snow on his nose also offers a nice bit of contrast and depth to the image.

Speaking of depth, the snow in the foreground leads the eye to the dark moose and overall we get a great 3D effect between the light foreground, the dark moose and then again with the light shades of the sky in the background.

I love this image so much it is currently the largest metal print we have in the house.  As you head down the steps to our basement you find yourself confronted by a 30″x 40″ copy of this monster.

Even though the massive print is not  “lifesize” it is big enough to give a sense of the scale of a Moose.  That realization stops many a guest in their tracks as they stare in awe.

Mission accomplished….


Until next month….michael



Nikon D5, Sigma 150-600 (@150mm), 1/500 sec, f/5.6, ISO 800, EV +0.667