
Shot of the Month – August 2023

Red Fox, Washington State (5502)

This month a lovely fox kit bathed in glorious afternoon light.  Foxes are always cute but the warm glow in this shot really takes the image to the next level.

We found this den on the edge of a federal park in Washington State.  In previous years visitors could enter the park and observe the dens at a distance of 75 feet or more.  Access to the park has been restricted in the last couple of years.  Ironically that lack of humans near the dens seems to have emboldened bald eagles who reportedly killed most of the fox kits last year before they could reach adulthood.

During my visit I saw a bald eagle swoop in twice to try and steal a rabbit carcass that an adult fox had just given its kit.  Luckily the young foxes were big enough at this time of year to be less at risk for predation by the raptor.

In the two images below I managed to capture one of the attacks by the bald eagle.  The fox kit had seen the approaching raptor and was running for the entrance to the den with the carcass.


Bald Eagle Attack, Washington State (6660)

So close!!

Bald Eagle Attack, Washington State (6661)

The kit managed to duck underground just in time.  When the parents were present they were always diligent and would bravely leap up at the bald eagle as it approached.

It is interesting to consider that the foxes may have established their den near the dirt road on the edge of the park to use the nearby humans to discourage the eagle attacks.Rabbit, Washington State (98024)

Red foxes mate in the winter and the pups are born 7-8 weeks later.  Both parents take care of the kits and each go off hunting to bring back food for the young.  Foxes raise their pups in a den which has been abandoned by another animal – in this case it was most likely a former rabbit den.   Amazingly, there were rabbits in holes just a few feet from the foxes’ den!  Talk about keeping your enemy close!

The cubs remain at the family den for about 5 weeks before going off on their own near the end of the summer.

The kits spend most of their time underground when the parents are not present though as the pups get older they will explore the surrounding areas more and more on their own.  In my image above I captured the young fox out exploring his world while he waited for his parents to return.

Like foxes?  Check out these posts for more images and fox tales…

Red? Fox

Foxy Mama

Kit Kaos

Crazy like a Kumiho



Until next month….m






Nikon D5,  Sigma 150-600 mm Contemporary (@480mm), 1/1000 sec, f/8, ISO 1250

Savannah a la Fuchsia

Shot of the Month – July 2023

Savannah Sparrow in Fuchsia Field, Washington State (1138)

This month a fun blast of color from the tulip fields of Skagit County in Washington State.  In this image I found a Savannah Sparrow guarding this fuchsia-colored field of tulips.

I shot this photo in portrait orientation as those long tulip stems were best highlighted and celebrated with a vertical composition.  I also really enjoyed the different “zones” of this shot:


Zone 1:  While the stems are in sharp focus (you can see the t-i-n-y hairs on the stems!) the background fades away into a pleasing out-of- focus green and your gaze can go on forever…

Zone 2:  In this zone we have a dramatic shift in color and at this distance all of the flowers are in sharp focus.  Likewise, our lovely Savannah Sparrow is nicely crisp as he poses for his portrait.

Zone 3:  In zone 3 another dramatic shift in focus as the tulips vanish into a deep blur but the bold fuchsia hue still demands attention.  The Savanah Sparrow really pops against that blurry background.

Another view from the Fuchsia Field:

Savannah Sparrow in Fuchsia, Washington (1586)


Check out this post for more on my adventures photographing Savannah Sparrows among the tulip fields.


Until next month….m




Nikon D500, Nikon 600mm w/ 1.4x TC (1275mm effective), f/5.6, 1/640 sec, ISO 2500, +1.0 EV

California Quail

Shot of the Month – June 2023

California Quail, Washington (6110)

I spent the better part of a week in May, staked out along a dirt road, in a national park where I could observe a fox den.  Each day, while dutifully wating for canine action,  we were visited by this dandy chap and his mate.  In this beautiful afternoon light we can see the male California Quail (CQ) in all his glory.

I love some of the descriptions that I found while researching this beautiful bird:

These plump, chicken-like birds are easily recognized as quail by their overall jizz and plump body shape


The California Quail is a handsome, round soccer ball of a bird with a rich gray breast, intricately scaled underparts, and a curious, forward-drooping head plume

While the whole “round soccer ball of a bird” thing is a bit rude, ummm, well….

California Quail, Washington (4321)

I can’t say it is wroooong….


California Quail, Washington (6110)

Another fun description:

The California Quail is distinguished from other quail species by its unique plumage pattern and the presence of a forward facing comma-shaped black plume that makes them look like a flapper from the 1920’s.





I had been racking my brain trying to find the right words to describe that wonderful plume and this person nailed it : “a forward facing comma-shaped black plume…”  It does look like a comma!!

Insider Tip:  Although the plume looks like one feather it is actually made up of 6 overlapping feathers.

The females also have a plume though to my eye it is more “exclamation-point-esque” and lacks the flair of the full comma!

California Quail, Washington (4035)

CQ are most active near sunrise and sunrise and that certainly was our experience with these birds.  Each morning and late afternoon this mating pair would come wondering down the road like clockwork.  CQ spend most of their time on the ground  but they will take flight to avoid predators.

The CQ is a granivorous bird that eats mainly grain and seeds, and weeds like dandelions.  In the summer they also catch insects to provide additional protein for their young.  These birds are rather chicken-like as they prefer to scratch 2-3 times on the ground with one foot before pecking at the ground to grab the seeds or insects they scared up.

The “lovebirds” afternoon stroll:

California Quail, Washington (5665)

Peck peck peck…

California Quail, Washington (0622)

Here the male is calling loudly, claiming his territory.  And obviously showing off for his mate…I love the foot in the air for extra effort.

California Quail, Washington (5735)

Did you notice the dashing yellow and chestnut coloration on his stomach?

California Quails can be found in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevad, Utah, and of course, California.  CQs have also been introduced into Hawaii, New Zealand, Chile, and Argentia.

Fun fact:  The CQ is the official state bird of California and is the only state bird whose name includes the full name of its state.  (A bit of ammo for your next dinner party as the conversation wanes….)



There you have it, the California Quail – a striking dandy of a bird that prefers hoofing it over flight, but does so with style and panache.


Until next month….m



Wikipedia – California Quail

Audobon – California Quail

All About Birds – California Quail

Kids National Geographic – California Quail

The spruce – California Quail





Nikon D5, Sigma 150-600mm (@ 600mm), f/6.3, 1/1000 ISO 800

Today’s Shot:

Blue Heron with a Mishipman fish (8711)

Blue Heron with Midshipman Fish (8711)

Eagle Aerial

Today’s Shot