Great, Gray Day…

Shot of the Month – March 2013

Great Gray Owl, Canada (5875) Like many people, I am a bit gaga over owls.  I find them mesmerizing.  They seem so majestic.  Masterful.  The embodiment of grace, power, and resolution.

Since moving to Vermont finding and photographing owls had been a top priority.  The venture had not been going well — I managed a few sightings last year but I had not captured a single noteworthy image.

And then a few weeks ago a dramatic change of fortune.  We found two Great Gray Owls wintering near Montreal, Canada.

It is hard to describe how fortunate I feel to have captured this image, and more importantly, to have had the opportunity to observe this animal over two consecutive weekends.

A quick inventory of the miracles.  First, just seeing a Great Gray Owl is pretty amazing unless you hang out in the Boreal forests of Canada.  Not many people do.  Second, seeing a Great Gray hunt?  Astounding.  And finally, to actually get a decent shot of the hunt and record this spectacular behavior?  I must have died and gone to Errol heaven.

Upon seeing this image a friend, also a photo enthusiast,  lamented how she often missed the “decisive moment” and wondered how I had managed to pull it off.  The decisive moment is typically that split second at the height of the action — just as the lion lands on the zebra, or just as the bald eagle catches a starling in mid air.  (I initially responded that I didn’t get THE decisive moment, which in this case, was when the owl dove into the snow feet first to grab the mouse underneath the surface.  But, this moment comes in as a pretty close second)

Capturing that key moment has less to do with big lenses or fancy cameras.  Sure they help, a tiny bit, but there are lots of people who have expensive gear nowadays and they rarely get the shot.

The most successful wildlife photographers are large part naturalists, or biologists, either by training or by practice.  For consistent success, one must really understand an animal and its behavior.  This requires many, many hours in the field observing nature.  Only then can you begin to predict where to find an animal and have a sense of how it will react in different situations.  It is this body of knowledge that tells you when to go and where to go.  It tells you which lens to use and what settings to apply to your camera BEFORE the shot happens.  It helps you understand how to behave to avoid detection or scaring off the animal.

For me it’s a numbers game.  It’s all a matter of putting the hours in.  The more you are out there, the more chances you will have of seeing something special.  And the more you observe the more you can predict what will happen next.  It is difficult for weekend photographers like me and my friend to get those hours in so we are rarely properly prepared to seize those scarce opportunities when they arise.

In just the roughly 24 hours that I spent observing the owls over 5 days patterns and insights began to emerge.  I noticed that one owl liked to roost on a preferred branch, in a preferred tree most mornings.  Another Great Gray seemed to like to patrol a field and a group of woods a bit further away.  I began to understand the difference in the light patterns in the morning vs. the afternoon.  I began to understand the dramatic shift in exposure caused by the snowy fields compared to the wooded areas and how to adjust for it.

My small, but growing understanding of the landscape, the animal, and the interaction between the two helped me get this shot.  Even after just 9 hours of observation, I had a better sense of where to set up my tripod if I wanted to have a chance of capturing a Great Gray Owl hunt on “film.”  I didn’t get it perfectly right — the owl flew 20 yards past where I had set up my equipment.  But I was right just enough to still be close enough to get the shot.  Luck also helped.  Originally the owl had his back to me.  To my amazement, once he had the mouse in his mouth he spun around and faced me.


(And they lived happily ever after….ok, at least two of the three parties involved did)

Until next month…. 🙂



Monday! Harrumph…

More from our recent trips to Canada

Great Gray Owl, Canada (4688)

Great Gray – Dinner

In the space of 10 minutes we saw this Great Gray Owl hunt twice – successfully.  This was the first meal…

Great Gray Owl, Canada (5875-3)
















Great Gray Owl

We spent the weekend in Canada looking for Great Gray Owls…more images to follow.

Great Gray Owl, Canada (4448)



Cabin Fever

Shot of the Month – February 2013

Pepper Love (2178)A common ailment this time of year in northern latitudes is “cabin fever,”

” a state characterized by anxiety, restlessness, and boredom arising from a prolonged stay in remote or confined space.” (source)

This image is from 2008 and is the result of a similar malady.  I had been back in the US for over a year after living overseas most of my adult life.  Since returning I had not made any ventures into nature nor taken any photos.  It was near the end of a long winter.  I was bored.  I missed engaging with nature.

I needed to take a photo of something.

Alas, I was living in an urban setting and wildlife was scarce.  In my visually mundane environment, one blast of color stood out.  Each week we would go to the grocery store and I was captivated by the explosion of color in the vegetable department.  There were rows and rows of bell peppers in vibrant hues of green, yellow, and red.  Each week I found myself lingering in the produce section wondering how I could capture that visual feast.

The fever was obviously running high as I purchased a ridiculous number of peppers (disregard the odd look from the checkout person). Once home I realized that I did not have enough.  Back to the store to buy more.  Then I went to the art supply store and purchased some black poster board.  And then I began photographing, uh, peppers.  I didn’t really know what I was doing as I never do “studio shooting.”  I didn’t have the proper light set up, nor the knowledge or technique.  But the project kept me engaged for days.

This shot, “Pepper Love,” is popular this time of year since February is also home to Valentine’s Day.  In my defense, I can merely plead “Innocent due to insanity.”

I tried all sorts of arrangements.  Peppers lined up in rows.  Peppers piled high in a bucket.  Peppers grouped by color.  Then alternating by color.  Used a mirror to create the illusion of infinite peppers.  Peppers sprayed with water.  Intimate portraits.  Then mob scenes.  Stems lined up.  Stems alternating.  The delirium raged.

Once the fever passed, a cold hard reality set in.  What in the hell were we going to do with all these rapidly ripening peppers?  Let’s just say that our freezer was overflowing and we explored a vast range of recipes requiring peppers long into the spring and summer. (I believe it took about a year till the last one was gone…)

In the end, I did not get many images that worked.  My lack of experience won out.  But I did learn a lot and I am sure that I would get better images on the next attempt.  And we do have all those pepper recipes collecting dust…. hmmmn….

A few more “slides” that confirm the diagnosis of “cabin fever.” (Click on a cropped thumbnail to see the full image)

Until next month…. 🙂