Fall Falls

Shot of the Month – July 2020

In October 2019 I made a quick, mid-week run down to Oregon (Portland is about 3 hours away) to work on my landscape photography skills.  I mainly shoot wildlife so I need all the practice I can get.  I had visited some of the waterfalls of the Columbia River Gorge in the summer and I wanted to see if autumn brought any interesting color to the compositions.  On this quick run, I only had Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning to make images – not much time but my goal was to try and get at least one good photo from the trip. The falls can get quite busy on the weekends so I went down in the middle of the week to, hopefully, avoid the crowds.

Late Wednesday afternoon I hiked up to Ponytail Falls and found the place deserted.  Ahhh, heaven.  I could commune with nature and compose my shots in peace.  I consider the trip a booming success having created this image — not bad for a wildlife guy!

I had to shoot two images to get the entire scene in sharp focus.  In the first image, I focused on the rocks in the foreground (leaving most of the scene behind blurry) while in the second image, I focused on the rocks about 2/3rds back in the scene (which left the rocks in the foreground blurry).  By merging the sharp elements from the two images together we get one image that is sharp from front to back.

A great way to improve your landscape images is to ensure that you have a strong element in the foreground of the image.  In this case, I used the rock in the lower left corner to anchor the photo.  The key to a compelling image is depth and this image has multiple layers — the rocks in the foreground, then the stream, the rocks and bushes a bit further back, then the falling water, and finally the rocks of the cliff face.

Truth be told I did place the yellow maple leaf on the rock — it was lying just next to the rock but I positioned it on the rock for better viewing as it helps tell the story and it is visually compelling.  I tried positioning the leaf in multiple places and in various orientations.  In the end, this composition worked best –  I like how the leaf stem guides your eye into the rest of the image.  I had started with “stem down” but it all clicked when I rotated the leave around into the “stem up” orientation.  I also like how the yellow leaf mirrors the yellow leaves on the bush in the far back right portion of the scene.

Together, these elements convey “Falls in the Fall.”  Just what I was looking for…


Until next month…..m





Here are a few links with ideas on how to improve your landscape compositions:

Importance of Foreground Elements (Video)

5 Landscape Mistakes to Avoid (Video)

How to get a perfect foreground (Article)

Importance of foreground in landscape photography (Article)




Nikon D850, Nikon 17-35mm (@ 17mm), f/8.0, 1.5 sec, -0.5 EV, ISO 64

American Pygmy Kingfisher

Shot of the Month – June 2020

American Pygmy Kingfisher, Pantanal-Brazil (457)

Warning:  Objects on your screen may be smaller than they appear.

In this image, the American Pygmy Kingfisher (APK) appears to tower over us.  Fear not, we are not in danger.  The APK is the smallest of all kingfishers and is about 5 inches in length and tips the scales at a mere 18 grams (about the weight of 3 American quarters or about 1/2 an ounce).

The wee bird seems so large because I was floating underneath him in a boat at a close distance with a 400 mm lens when I captured the image.  I love this shot as the combination of side lighting and blurred background gives the image an other-worldly, mystical vibe.

APKs can be found in the lowlands of the American Tropics from southern Mexico to central Brazil.  They are most commonly seen along small woodland streams, pools, puddles, and small channels in mangroves.  You can see their full range here.  I photographed this fellow in the Pantanal in Brazil.

The head and wings of the APK are metallic green while its body and neck are deep orange-buff, shading to rich dark rufous on the breast, sides, and flanks.  The diminutive kingfisher sits by rivers and will dive headfirst into the water after small fish and tadpoles.  He will also dine on insects such as cockroaches, aquatic beetles, and larvae.

Chillin by the river:

American Pygmy Kingfisher, Pantanal-Brazil (1305)

Scanning the water below…

American Pygmy Kingfisher, Pantanal-Brazil (1086)

Uh, too close!

American Pygmy Kingfisher, Pantanal-Brazil (1164)


Smallest of kingfishers = Largest of smiles


Until next month….m



Nikon D500, Nikon 200-400mm (@400mm), f/4, ISO 160, +0.5 EV




Beauty of Birds

Exotic Birds.Life

My Animals

Green Kingfisher

Shot of the Month – May 2020

Green Kingfisher, Pantanal (1059)

On our first trip to the Pantanal in 2017 we learned that this incredible ecosystem was home to five types of kingfishers.  I am a sucker for bold colors so I was hopeful that I might capture a few on “film.”  While I was hopeful I was not optimistic, as most kingfishers are tiny and skittish making it very difficult to capture a good image.  Seems that they do things differently in the Pantanal.  On our first day on the water, during a three-hour boat trip on the Pixaim River we saw ALL five species.  And even better, the birds often took no notice of us as we drifted by as they scanned the water below for fish.  On our second trip to the Pantanal in 2019 I captured the image above of a male Green Kingfisher (GK).  The female GK looks similar though she does not have the rufous colored chest feathers.

Small fish are the mainstay of his diet so you can usually find the GK perched on a low-hanging branch near the water’s edge as the bird looks for fish that swim near the surface.  Aquatic insects are also on the menu.

Target acquired, Dive!

Green Kingfisher, Pantanal (0868)

Target missed!  Time to shake it off and get back in the game.

Green Kingfisher, Pantanal (0998)

The Green Kingfisher can be found from Southern Texas through most of Central and South America.  Their numbers are dropping in Texas due to loss of habitat but they are still plentiful further south.  To raise their young GKs build a horizontal tunnel into the side of the river bank.  The tunnel is about three long and about two inches wide.  (Two inches wide – that gives you a sense of how small these birds are)


This kingfisher, Chloroceryle americana, for you science types, is a real beauty and surely leaves the other birds green with envy.


Until next month…..m




Wikipedia (Green Kingfisher)







Nikon D4S, Nikon 600mm, f/4, 1/1000 sec, ISO 720 (Shot in Manual Mode with Auto ISO)


Kit Kaos

Shot of the Month – April 2020

Red Fox Kits (7114)

Over the years I have seen a fair number of foxes but the sightings were usually brief and never really produced any good images.  In 2019 I hit the jackpot as I was able to spend two full days near a fox den.  The den was home to two females who were caring for four kits.  A “typical” day would have me show up at sunrise (near 6 am) and sit by the den for about 6 hours.  Around noon I would head into town for a quick lunch and then back to the site from around 2 pm till after dark (7 pm-ish).  The females would leave the kits at the den as they went off to hunt.  The mothers were seemingly tireless in their efforts and would come and go throughout the entire day to ensure enough food for the pups.  During these periods the kits did little and often just disappeared into the safety underground.  After an hour or so, though sometimes after much longer, a female would return with a rabbit, mouse, or vole.  At this point, all hell would break loose.  The pups would burst out of the den excited at the opportunity to feed.  Mom would give the prey to one of the kits who would then run off with their “kill.”  The others might chase it to try and steal the meal.  Mom would then allow the kits to nurse for a few minutes.  After feeding the young’ins would be in high spirits and run around like sugared-up toddlers and engage in all sorts of hi-jinks, roughhousing, assorted shenanigans, and general mischief.  This chaos could last for ten to thirty minutes.  Mom might leave fairly quickly to head off on the next hunt leaving the kits to their antics.  Eventually, the kits would tire out or get bored and head down into the den.

And just like that, poof, an empty field.  And then we waited for the return of one of the females with the next meal.  So my day was made up of long waits of nothingness and then frantic shooting once the females appeared.  As the day drew on the periods of nothingness seemed to get longer and longer.  Pick at the grass. Pace around a bit.  Lie on your back and look at the sky.  Review some images.  Pick at the grass…And then boom!  Foxes are running everywhere and me trying to figure out which act of this three-ring circus to focus on.

It was a blast.

Here are the two moms – both are red foxes.  Check last month’s post to understand how this is possible.

Red Fox (2243)Red Fox (0606)








Moms heading off to hunt

Red Fox (3491)

Red Fox (1183)








Mom’s Back!

Red Fox (1306) Red Fox (9498)








And now that we are fat and happy, let the games begin
Red Fox (7696)


Red Fox (5346)

Red Fox (8156)

Red Fox (7931)

Red Fox (7605)

Red Fox (8005)

Red Fox (7082)

Red Fox (7395)

Finally running out of steam

Red Fox (6647)


Who knew that kaos could be so kute and kuddly?


And in case you missed it, here is another adorable family moment.


Until next month…..m






Nikon D4S, Nikon 600mm,, 1.4x TC (effective 850mm), f/7.1, 1/1000 sec, ISO 1600

Red? Fox

Shot of the Month – March 2020

Silver Fox, Washington (3063)

Here we have a lovely female red fox bringing a meal back to her kits.  Please do not adjust your set (old person reference).  Nor is that a typo.  You might want to sit down for this, but, red foxes are not always red.  I know, I know, it is a crazy, topsy-turvy world out there…

Despite the very firm, very unambiguous sounding name, red foxes come in a surprisingly large variety of colors.  Most are categorized under three main color variations or morphs (if you want to sound all zoological and whatnot).

Red Morph

The red morph red fox is primarily red/orange in color and is the most common type of red fox.


Silver foxes are a melanistic morph of the Red Fox that have a range of colors from bold silver to almost complete black.  The silver version has silver-tipped hairs interspersed among the black fur.  Black foxes vary in color and may have some brown fur also.

This whole naming thing is starting to sound pretty bogus, but ok, let’s carry on.

Cross Morph

Cross foxes are red foxes with a prominent black stripe along the spine and a stripe along the shoulders at a right angle which gives the appearance of a cross – hence the name of this morph.  This color variation is only found in North America.


Regardless of the color mix all Red Foxes have one thing in common — that white-tipped paint brush of a tail.  How’s that for a handy identification tip?

So, a Red Fox can be any color mix of red, orange, white, black, grey, silver, and brown as you can see in this graphic below.  (Note:  The four morphs shown at the bottom of the graphic are not found in the wild but are the result of selective breeding)

In the image below we see the same female silver fox waiting patiently as her kits jostle for an opportunity to nurse.

Here is the same female as she heads off to hunt for more food for her family:

And here is a male silver fox that I found at a different den site with one of his kits:

And here he is with two of his kits:


Wasn’t life easier when you just needed the “Red” crayon to color in the fox drawing?  Well, now there is no going back.  Next time you will have to break out the BIG box of crayons.  You know, that big box of 64 crayons with the sharpener in the back?  Yeah, that one.  Let the games begin…


Until next month…..m








The Fox Website

All Things Foxes

Black Foxes UK

Wikipedia (Cross Fox)

Wikipedia (Red Fox)

Wikipedia (Silver Fox)





Nikon D4S, Nikon 600mm, 1.4x TC (850mm effective), 1/1000 sec, f/11