Striking Pose

Shot of the Month – April 2021

Great Egret, Ding Darling NWR (8787)

This month we visit with the regal looking Great Egret (GE).  His pose makes me laugh and I can’t help but picture a noble gentlemen of the 17th century in his long frock coat waxing lyrical about the Enlightenment and the state of the Empire.

Do you see it?  Funny right?

Ok, it’s probably just me….

As I explained in an earlier post (Identity Crisis), an Egret is a Heron who happens to be all white.  You can find Egrets in a range of sizes — The GE is the largest, standing almost four feet tall with a wingspan of up to five feet across.

The four sub-species of GE are distributed across the planet.  One sub-species can be found in Asia, another in Africa, a different one in the Americas, and one in southern Europe.  I photographed this fellow in the Ding Darling NWR in Florida so he is part of the America’s sub-species Ardea alba egretta.

Despite the 18th century similarities (at least in my head) the GE was almost wiped out in the US in the 19th century as humans hunted them mercilessly for their feathers to put in ladies’ hats.

The egret population dropped by 95%.

Because of f&@!(* hats!

Thankfully conservation efforts have allowed the population to recover in most places.  Interesting fact:  A GE in flight is the symbol of the National Audubon Society as the group was created during this period by outraged citizens to stop the slaughter.

I didn’t know that.

Great Egrets can usually be found in wetlands, marshes, swamps, streams, ponds, tidal flats and assorted fresh and salt waterways.  These birds are super chill and are usually seen standing motionless at the water’s edge as they look for fish, their main prey; though they will also dine on amphibians, reptiles, mice and other small animals.

The GE is incredibly patient and will stand for looong periods as it waits for an opportunity to strike.  I can attest to their patience as I have often lost that staring contest.  For far too many times than I care to remember I have stared through a view finder with my finger poised on the shutter release button to only miss the bird’s plunge when I lifted my head for a brief second to reset my watering eyes and shift my sore neck.   I am not bitter, really…

The deathblow is delivered with a quick thrust of the sharp bill and the prey is swallowed whole.  Gulp.

One of the few times I captured the lightning strike. Kapow!

Great Egret, Ding Darling NWR (8634)

Curious about the dramatic lighting of these images?  Learn about how it is achieved in my post Bird Art  That post will also tell you more about the damn hats (with a photo!).

Despite the strong population rebound since the big, stupid hat massacre some populations of GE are struggling again.  For example in the Florida Everglades the population of mating pairs of GE has dropped 90% in recent years due to urbanization, pesticide use, agricultural runoff, industrial mercury and lead poisoning.  And due to illegal toxic-waste dumping, draining, dredging and road building.  To name a few….

You have to admire the resilience of the Great Egret though I do hope that our continued onslaught on these birds does not force the Audubon Society to retire its hard-earned logo.


Until next month……m


P.S.  Did you notice the fish in the first image?



National Audubon Society

National Geographic

Nature Works

National Park Service


Nikon D4S, Nikon 600mm, f/11, 1/1000, ISO 6400, EV -2.5


Gob Mob

Shot of the Month – March 2021

Atlantic Puffin, Maine (9044)

This month we visit with a small black and white bird that thrives in cold climates.  From the image above you might guess that it is a type of penguin who has a flair for color and panache.  Actually this lovely chap is an Atlantic Puffin (AP) and despite the similarities, he is not related to the penguin.  APs are part of the Alcidae family of seabirds and they can fly (unlike penguins).

The AP is about the size of a mourning dove and weighs about a pound, which is kind of heavy for a bird of that size.  The puffin is an excellent swimmer and uses that weight to help him dive up to 200 feet in search of a meal.

These birds are incredibly resilient – they spent most of their lives on the open sea in the North Atlantic Ocean which is C-O-L-D.  Over half of the world’s AP population live near Iceland.  Others can be found near Norway, Greenland, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Maine, western parts of Europe and northern Russia.

When out on the open ocean the birds tend to live solitary lives.  Given the vast expanse of the North Atlantic Ocean, and the small size of the bird, we actually know very little about their lives as scientists can rarely find one to study!

In late spring the AP returns to coastal areas and nearby islands to breed in large colonies.  During this period those striking bills and feet become super colorful to attract potential mates.  Once an AP finds a partner they stay together for life, up to 25 years for some.  After eight months apart the couple reunite at the same burrow site to continue their partnership.  Mother Nature is such a romantic…

The mated pair work together to raise a single chick each year and the parents take turns going out to sea to look for food.  In the image above you can see an adult returning back to the burrow to feed the chick.

I point to the corner of my mouth, “Excuse me Mr. Puffin you have a little something right uh, well, you have some crumbs at the edge of…….uh, never mind.”

AP dine mainly on herring, sand eels and capelin.  Puffins normally swallow their catch underwater butAtlantic Puffin, Maine (9046) when catching food for their chick they use their specialized bill to carry mouthfuls back to the burrow.  Atlantic Puffins have backward-pointing spines on their bills, tongues, and on the roof of their mouths.  They push each newly caught fish to the back of their mouth with their tongue and the fish are kept secure by the tiny spines.  This allows the puffin to keep their mouth open and keep fishing for more.  A puffin can usually hold about 10 fish in his mouth though in these phots I think I count 11 or 12 fish.  Nice job!

I photographed this hard working puffin parent on Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine.  The “full-mouth” shot is tough to capture.  Once the bird lands he is running to duck into the burrow as quickly as possible as every other puffin and gull in the neighborhood is running towards him to steal his cache.




There you have it, the Atlantic Puffin – the adorable, colorful, chipmunk-esque plucky bird of the sea.


For more on the Atlantic Puffin check out my Clown of the Sea post.


Until next month…..m




Wikipedia (Atlantic Puffin)

National Geographic

Animal Fact Guide

American Bird Conservancy


Nikon D300S, Nikon 200-400mm (@ 200mm), f/4, 1/4000 sec, ISO 200, EV -0.5

Sophie’s Choice

Shot of the Month – February 2021

I have been wanting to post one my portrait oriented images of a jaguar for quite a while but found myself on an endless merry-go-round.  I will post this image.  No, this one.  Hmmn, perhaps this one.  Repeat ad nauseum.

I found myself faced with a “Sophie’s Choice.”

Sophie’s choice refers to an extremely difficult decision a person has to make. It describes a situation where no outcome is preferable over the other. This can be either because both outcomes are equally desirable or both are equally undesirable.

To be clear, I am not complaining — having three pretty decent images of a jaguar to choose from is a lovely conundrum to be faced with.

Our kitty carousel looks like this:

Sophie's Choice


All of these images were taken in the Pantanal in Brazil.  We had the good fortune of watching this female as she stalked the river’s edge in search of a meal.

Image #1:

Jaguar, Pantanal - Brazil (8041)

The eye contact is pretty good but the kicker is the raised paw just about to enter the water.

Image #2:

Jaguar, Pantanal - Brazil (8017)

We trade full eye contact for a menacing stare, but we do get a wonderful full-body view of those gorgeous jaguar markings.  And the powerful, yet lithe, almost serpentine shape of the body – it just oozes lethal predator on the prowl.

Image #3

Jaguar, Pantanal - Brazil (8055)

We find ourselves face-to-face with a jaguar. I could lose myself for days in those big ol’ eyes.  And we have another good view of that stunning fur coat.


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Which one would you take home?


Until next month……m



Settings for #1:

Nikon D4S, Nikon 600mm, f/4, 1/800 sec, ISO 2800

Ram Bam

Shot of the Month – January 2021

Bighorn Sheep, National Elk Refuge, Wyoming (2004)

Bighorn sheep are sheep.  With big horns.  And scientists refer to these creatures as, wait for it, Bighorn Sheep (BHS).

Lone, slow clap.  Clap………………………………..Clap……………………………….Clap……………………….Clap.

How lazy are these scientists?  Zero points for creativity.

The BHS males are called Rams.  And they do, in fact, ram,

ram;  verb: to strike with violence CRASH

but we will get to that in a bit.

BHS live in the western mountainous regions of North America and can be found from the Rocky Mountains of southern Canada down to the deserts of the American Southwest.  These mountain dwellers have split hooves and rough hoof bottoms giving them tremendous grip as they bound about along steep rocks and narrow ledges.  Lambs are typically hunted by coyotes, bobcats, gray foxes, wolverines, jaguars, ocelots, lynxes and golden eagles.  BHS of all ages are hunted by black bears, grizzly bears, wolves and especially mountain lions who are likewise quite agile even in the uneven, rocky habitat home to most BHS.

BHS live in social groups but the males live in bachelor groups while the females (Ewes) live with other females and their young.  Males leave their mother’s group when they reach 2-4 years in age to join a bachelor group.  Ahh, those were the days….(not really).

It is only when it is time to mate (the “rut”) when the two sexes come together.  And this when the show kicks off.  Just before the mating season, “pre-rut”, the males begin to battle for dominance.  Only the most powerful ram will earn the right to mate with a group of ewes.  And that’s where those glorious big horns come into play.  Two competing males will walk away from each other and then turn to rear up on their hind legs and hurl themselves at each other ending in a mighty head bash.

In the image above you can see two rams in just this pose.  Did you notice that the guy on the right actually has 3 feet off the ground to maximize his height and momentum?  I photographed these two bruhs in the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming.

The resulting collision can often be heard up to a mile away.  I can attest that that noise is startling and sounds like a rifle going off.  Those horns can weigh up to 30 pounds and equal the entire weight of all the other bones in the male’s body.  This Ram Bam session can last for hours until one male finally gives up and unceremoniously just walks away.  “I’m out…”

Below, if you look closely you can see that the guy on the right is so chill that he still has a piece of grass in his mouth.  Now that’s gangster.  Full impact in about 0.2 seconds…

Bighorn Sheep, National Elk Refuge, Wyoming (1980)

Dominance hierarchy is based on age, body size and horn size so usually the older males, typically those older than seven years old, tend to monopolize mating.  Wait your turn, sonny boy…

Pre-match stare down….. “Bruh, you wanna go??!

Bighorn Sheep, National Elk Refuge, Wyoming (1916)

After this glare they walked past each other and launched their attack.


There you have it, the Bighorn sheep….Bruh culture at its most sheepish.  Bam!


Until next month…..m




Nikon D5, Sigma Contemporary 150-600mm (@230mm), f/8, 1/4000 sec, ISO 720, EV -0.333


Want more information (and similar bad jokes)?  Check out some of my previous Posts on Bighorn Sheep:


Bam Bam





National Park Service

National Geographic

National Wildlife Federation


10 for 20

In 2020 I didn’t take a single photo until about 8 months into the year due to the pandemic and work commitments.  In the last 4 months I did make a weekend trip to Mt. Rainier and a few weekend trips to the coast — one trip to Oregon and two trips to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington.  Our trip to Kenya was cancelled so plan B was to visit the Grand Teton NP (Wyoming) in the fall and then again over Christmas.  And that was pretty much it for photography in 2020.  A few highlights from the year (in random order):

1.  Grizzly Bear

We had a once-in-a-lifetime sighting of a grizzly bear in Yellowstone NP.  You can read all about this adventure here.  Wow!!

2.  Golden Crab Spider

Here we have another ferocious predator, albeit, on the other end of the size spectrum.  I shot this beauty in our garden.

3.  Wildflower Marmot

While visiting Mt. Rainier I found this marmot along the side of the road.  It is not the greatest image, but I love the cacophony of color.  This rascal was dining on this beautiful buffet of wildflowers.

4.  Shipwreck

The shipwreck of the Peter Iredale never fails to offer stunning photo opportunities.

5.  Bighorn Sheep Battle

I have seen bighorn sheep before but never saw them crashing heads.  It is quite the spectacle and the sound of that collision is shockingly loud.

6.  Bighorn Motion

The big boys clash heads to claim rights to mate with the females.  The ewes make the males pursue them endlessly to prove their worth and at times the hillside was a frenzy of chasing hither and tither.  I slowed the shutter speed down with this image to try and give a sense of the chase.

7.  Sunset Bison

A lovely sunset mood with a few bison in Grand Teton NP.

8.  Dinner is Served

Otters are an absolute joy to see and we had a magical morning watching these river otters catch their breakfast in Grand Teton NP.

9.  Rialto Beach

Hiking to the sea stacks at Rialto beach on the Olympic Peninsula (Washington) is bit of a workout with camera gear.  And you have to carefully study the tides to avoid getting stuck out there.  But the rewards can be stunning…

10.  Backlit Moose

If you want to see moose get over to the Grand Teton NP.  I shot thousands of images.  After a while you want to try and get something a bit different…so here is a backlit moose.

11.  Bonus Moose

And here I caught a moose crossing a stream at sunrise with the picturesque Teton mountain range in the background.


Wishing everyone a healthy and safe 2021!!

