2023Rialto Beach
Shot of the Month – April 2023
The Pacific Northwest (PNW) is chock full of “must-see” natural wonders and unique landscapes. A few that I have seen so far:
Mount Rainer and the nearby Reflection Lake
Peter Iredale Shipwreck (Sunset) (Visit at Sunrise)
And this month we visit Washington State’s iconic Rialto Beach (RB). RB is a public beach found in the Olympic National Park, about 14 miles from the town of Forks (For Twilight fans, yes, it is THAT Forks). This map gives a good sense of the location:
(Map Source)
Most visitors walk north from the parking area for about 1 1/2 miles to reach the dramatic looking sea stacks that you see in my image above. The hike along the beach is lovely as you pass massive fallen trees and endless driftwood strewn about the coastline. If the tide is low you can also explore the tiny worlds found in the tide pools:
Just past the sea stacks erosion has created the “Hole-in-the-Wall” in a large rock that allows you to look back at the sea stacks:
Given that RB is on the West Coast the most dramatic shots are usually taken at sunset. However sunrise can offer nice scenes when the conditions are right:
At midday the light is usualy too harsh to get a nice shot but converting to B&W can help:
A sunset scene with a splash of color
Looking to get your “beach on” while visiting the PNW? Put Rialto beach at the top of your list for some great hikes, wildlife (I have seen otters near the sea stacks), outdoor camping (permits available), tide-pooling, and of course, the potential for great photography.
Pro tip: Ideal conditions will be at low tide, near sunset. Hole-in-the-Wall and tidal pools are only accessible near low tide conditions. High tide can push you off the beach and close to the massive drift wood which can be tricky to navigate/climb over. There is a hiking trail in the adjecent forest so you can still reach the sea stacks at high tide but other options will be limited.
Some good pointers on visiting Rialto Beach:
Hiking Rialto Beach to Hole in the Wall in Olympic National Park
The Ultimate Guide to Rialto Beach and The Hole In The Wall Washington
10 Best Things To Do at Rialto Beach
Until next month…m
Nikon D4S, Nikon 17-35 mm (@ 17mm), f/13, 1 sec, ISO 100,